Source: bot-api.js

 * @module bot-api

import {
} from "./bot-utils.js";

 * @description JavaScript implemention for Telegram Bot API.
 * @example
 * new BotAPI(token)
class BotAPI {
   * @param {String} token Telegram Bot token.
   * @return {BotAPI}
  constructor(token) {
     * @property {String} token Telegram Bot token.
     * @property {String} version Telegram Bot API version.
    this.token = token;
    this.version = "4.9";

   * @param {*} o
   * @return {Boolean}
  isBotAPI(o) {
    return o instanceof BotAPI;

   * @private
   * @description Warpper for HTTP requests.
   * @param {String} method Telegram Bot API method.
   * @param {FormData|Object} body Request body.
   * @return {Promise} Promise of Telegram result.
  request(method, body) {
    const url = `${this.token}/${method}`;
    let promise;
    if (body != null) {
      if (isFormData(body)) {
        promise = post(url, body.getBuffer(), body.getHeaders());
      } else {
        promise = post(url, body);
    } else {
      promise = get(url);
    return promise.then((response) => {
      const data = JSON.parse(response.toString("utf8"));
      if (!data["ok"]) {
        throw new Error(
          `Telegram Error: ${data["error_code"]} ${data["description"]}`,
      return data["result"];

   * @see
   * @param {Object} [opts] Optional Telegram patameters.
   * @return {Promise<Update[]>}
  getUpdates(opts = {}) {
    return this.request("getUpdates", toSnakeCaseObject(opts));

   * @see
   * @param {String} url
   * @param {Object} [opts] Optional Telegram patameters.
   * @return {Promise<Boolean>}
  setWebhook(url, opts = {}) {
    let body;
    if (opts["certificate"] == null) {
      body = toSnakeCaseObject({url}, opts);
    } else {
      body = toSnakeCaseFormData({url}, opts);
    return this.request("setWebhook", body);

   * @see
   * @return {Promise<Boolean>}
  deleteWebhook() {
    return this.request("deleteWebhook");

   * @see
   * @return {Promise<WebHookInfo>}
  getWebhookInfo() {
    return this.request("getWebhookInfo");

   * @see
   * @return {Promise<User>}
  getMe() {
    return this.request("getMe");

   * @see
   * @param {(Number|String)} chatID Telegram chat ID.
   * @param {String} text Message content.
   * @param {Object} [opts] Optional Telegram patameters.
   * @param {String} [opts.replyMarkup] JSON-serialized InlineKeyboardMarkup or ReplyKeyboardMarkup or ReplyKeyboardRemove or ForceReply.
   * @return {Promise<Message>}
  sendMessage(chatID, text, opts = {}) {
    return this.request("sendMessage", toSnakeCaseObject({chatID, text}, opts));

   * @see
   * @param {(Number|String)} chatID Target Telegram chat ID.
   * @param {(Number|String)} fromChatID Source Telegram chat ID.
   * @param {Number} messageID Message ID.
   * @param {Object} [opts] Optional Telegram patameters.
   * @return {Promise<Message>}
  forwardMessage(chatID, fromChatID, messageID, opts = {}) {
    return this.request(
      toSnakeCaseObject({chatID, fromChatID, messageID}, opts)

   * @see
   * @param {(Number|String)} chatID Target Telegram chat ID.
   * @param {(String|Object)} photo File ID, photo URL or InputFile.
   * @param {Object} [opts] Optional Telegram patameters.
   * @param {String} [opts.replyMarkup] JSON-serialized InlineKeyboardMarkup or ReplyKeyboardMarkup or ReplyKeyboardRemove or ForceReply.
   * @return {Promise<Message>}
  sendPhoto(chatID, photo, opts = {}) {
    let body;
    if (isString(photo)) {
      body = toSnakeCaseObject({chatID, photo}, opts);
    } else {
      body = toSnakeCaseFormData({chatID, photo}, opts);
    return this.request("sendPhoto", body);

   * @see
   * @param {(Number|String)} chatID Target Telegram chat ID.
   * @param {(String|Object)} audio File ID, audio URL or InputFile.
   * @param {Object} [opts] Optional Telegram patameters.
   * @param {String} [opts.replyMarkup] JSON-serialized InlineKeyboardMarkup or ReplyKeyboardMarkup or ReplyKeyboardRemove or ForceReply.
   * @param {(String|Object)} [opts.thumb] Thumb URL or InputFile.
   * @return {Promise<Message>}
  sendAudio(chatID, audio, opts = {}) {
    let body;
    if (isString(audio)) {
      body = toSnakeCaseObject({chatID, audio}, opts);
    } else {
      body = toSnakeCaseFormData({chatID, audio}, opts);
    return this.request("sendAudio", body);

   * @see
   * @param {(Number|String)} chatID Target Telegram chat ID.
   * @param {(String|Object)} document File ID, document URL or InputFile.
   * @param {Object} [opts] Optional Telegram patameters.
   * @param {String} [opts.replyMarkup] JSON-serialized InlineKeyboardMarkup or ReplyKeyboardMarkup or ReplyKeyboardRemove or ForceReply.
   * @param {(String|Object)} [opts.thumb] Thumb URL or InputFile.
   * @return {Promise<Message>}
  sendDocument(chatID, document, opts = {}) {
    let body;
    if (isString(document) &&
        (opts["thumb"] == null || isString(opts["thumb"]))) {
      body = toSnakeCaseObject({chatID, document}, opts);
    } else {
      body = toSnakeCaseFormData({chatID, document}, opts);
    return this.request("sendDocument", body);

   * @see
   * @param {(Number|String)} chatID Target Telegram chat ID.
   * @param {(String|Object)} video File ID, video URL or InputFile.
   * @param {Object} [opts] Optional Telegram patameters.
   * @param {String} [opts.replyMarkup] JSON-serialized InlineKeyboardMarkup or ReplyKeyboardMarkup or ReplyKeyboardRemove or ForceReply.
   * @param {(String|Object)} [opts.thumb] Thumb URL or InputFile.
   * @return {Promise<Message>}
  sendVideo(chatID, video, opts = {}) {
    let body;
    if (isString(video) &&
        (opts["thumb"] == null || isString(opts["thumb"]))) {
      body = toSnakeCaseObject({chatID, video}, opts);
    } else {
      body = toSnakeCaseFormData({chatID, video}, opts);
    return this.request("sendVideo", body);

   * @see
   * @param {(Number|String)} chatID Target Telegram chat ID.
   * @param {(String|Object)} animation File ID, animation URL or InputFile.
   * @param {Object} [opts] Optional Telegram patameters.
   * @param {String} [opts.replyMarkup] JSON-serialized InlineKeyboardMarkup or ReplyKeyboardMarkup or ReplyKeyboardRemove or ForceReply.
   * @param {(String|Object)} [opts.thumb] Thumb URL or InputFile.
   * @return {Promise<Message>}
  sendAnimation(chatID, animation, opts = {}) {
    let body;
    if (isString(animation) &&
        (opts["thumb"] == null || isString(opts["thumb"]))) {
      body = toSnakeCaseObject({chatID, animation}, opts);
    } else {
      body = toSnakeCaseFormData({chatID, animation}, opts);
    return this.request("sendAnimation", body);

   * @see
   * @param {(Number|String)} chatID Target Telegram chat ID.
   * @param {(String|Object)} voice File ID, voice URL or InputFile.
   * @param {Object} [opts] Optional Telegram patameters.
   * @param {String} [opts.replyMarkup] JSON-serialized InlineKeyboardMarkup or ReplyKeyboardMarkup or ReplyKeyboardRemove or ForceReply.
   * @return {Promise<Message>}
  sendVoice(chatID, voice, opts = {}) {
    let body;
    if (isString(voice)) {
      body = toSnakeCaseObject({chatID, voice}, opts);
    } else {
      body = toSnakeCaseFormData({chatID, voice}, opts);
    return this.request("sendVoice", body);

   * @see
   * @param {(Number|String)} chatID Target Telegram chat ID.
   * @param {(String|Object)} videoNote File ID, video note URL or InputFile.
   * @param {Object} [opts] Optional Telegram patameters.
   * @param {String} [opts.replyMarkup] JSON-serialized InlineKeyboardMarkup or ReplyKeyboardMarkup or ReplyKeyboardRemove or ForceReply.
   * @param {(String|Object)} [opts.thumb] Thumb URL or InputFile.
   * @return {Promise<Message>}
  sendVideoNote(chatID, videoNote, opts = {}) {
    let body;
    if (isString(videoNote) &&
        (opts["thumb"] == null || isString(opts["thumb"]))) {
      body = toSnakeCaseObject({chatID, videoNote}, opts);
    } else {
      body = toSnakeCaseFormData({chatID, videoNote}, opts);
    return this.request("sendVideoNote", body);

   * @see
   * @param {(Number|String)} chatID Target Telegram chat ID.
   * @param {InputMedia[]} media Set `` or `InputMedia.thumb` to InputFile for uploading a file.
   * @param {Object} [opts] Optional Telegram patameters.
   * @return {Promise<Message>}
  sendMediaGroup(chatID, media, opts = {}) {
    let body;
    const inputMedia = media;
    const outputMedia = [];
    let useFormData = false;
    for (let i = 0; i < inputMedia.length; ++i) {
      const input = inputMedia[i];
      const output = toSnakeCaseObject(input);
      if (isObject(input["media"])) {
        useFormData = true;
        opts[`input${i}`] = input["media"];
        output["media"] = `attach://input${i}`;
      if (isObject(input["thumb"])) {
        useFormData = true;
        opts[`inputthumb${i}`] = input["thumb"];
        output["thumb"] = `attach://inputthumb${i}`;
    if (!useFormData) {
      body = toSnakeCaseObject(
        {chatID, "media": JSON.stringify(outputMedia)},
    } else {
      body = toSnakeCaseFormData(
        {chatID, "media": JSON.stringify(outputMedia)},
    return this.request("sendMediaGroup", body);

   * @see
   * @param {(Number|String)} chatID Target Telegram chat ID.
   * @param {Number} latitude
   * @param {Number} longitude
   * @param {Object} [opts] Optional Telegram patameters.
   * @param {String} [opts.replyMarkup] JSON-serialized InlineKeyboardMarkup or ReplyKeyboardMarkup or ReplyKeyboardRemove or ForceReply.
   * @return {Promise<Message>}
  sendLocation(chatID, latitude, longitude, opts = {}) {
    return this.request(
      toSnakeCaseObject({chatID, latitude, longitude}, opts)

   * @see
   * @param {Number} latitude
   * @param {Number} longitude
   * @param {Object} [opts] Optional Telegram patameters.
   * @param {String} [opts.replyMarkup] JSON-serialized InlineKeyboardMarkupp.
   * @param {Number} [opts.chatID] Required if inlineMessageID is not given.
   * @param {Number} [opts.messageID] Required if inlineMessageID is not given.
   * @param {String} [opts.inlineMessageID] Required if chatID and inlineMessageID are not given.
   * @return {Promise<Message>}
  editMessageLiveLocation(latitude, longitude, opts = {}) {
    const body = toSnakeCaseObject({latitude, longitude}, opts);
    if (!(body["inline_message_id"] != null ||
          (body["message_id"] != null && body["chat_id"] != null))) {
      throw new Error(
        "Need either `opts['inline_message_id']` or " +
        "both `opts['message_id']` and `opts['chat_id']`"
    return this.request("editMessageLiveLocation", body);

   * @see
   * @param {Object} [opts] Optional Telegram patameters.
   * @param {String} [opts.replyMarkup] JSON-serialized InlineKeyboardMarkupp.
   * @param {Number} [opts.chatID] Required if inlineMessageID is not given.
   * @param {Number} [opts.messageID] Required if inlineMessageID is not given.
   * @param {String} [opts.inlineMessageID] Required if chatID and inlineMessageID are not given.
   * @return {Promise<Message>}
  stopMessageLiveLocation(opts = {}) {
    const body = toSnakeCaseObject(opts);
    if (!(body["inline_message_id"] != null ||
          (body["message_id"] != null && body["chat_id"] != null))) {
      throw new Error(
        "Need either `opts['inline_message_id']` or " +
        "both `opts['message_id']` and `opts['chat_id']`"
    return this.request("stopMessageLiveLocation", body);

   * @see
   * @param {(Number|String)} chatID Target Telegram chat ID.
   * @param {Number} latitude
   * @param {Number} longitude
   * @param {String} title
   * @param {String} address
   * @param {Object} [opts] Optional Telegram patameters.
   * @param {String} [opts.replyMarkup] JSON-serialized InlineKeyboardMarkup or ReplyKeyboardMarkup or ReplyKeyboardRemove or ForceReply.
   * @return {Promise<Message>}
  sendVenue(chatID, latitude, longitude, title, address, opts = {}) {
    return this.request(
      toSnakeCaseObject({chatID, latitude, longitude, title, address}, opts)

   * @see
   * @param {(Number|String)} chatID Target Telegram chat ID.
   * @param {String} phoneNumber User's phone number.
   * @param {String} firstName User's first name.
   * @param {Object} [opts] Optional Telegram patameters.
   * @param {String} [opts.replyMarkup] JSON-serialized InlineKeyboardMarkup or ReplyKeyboardMarkup or ReplyKeyboardRemove or ForceReply.
   * @return {Promise<Message>}
  sendContact(chatID, phoneNumber, firstName, opts = {}) {
    return this.request(
      toSnakeCaseObject({chatID, phoneNumber, firstName}, opts)

   * @see
   * @param {(Number|String)} chatID Target Telegram chat ID.
   * @param {String} question
   * @param {String} options JSON-serialized Array of String.
   * @param {Object} [opts] Optional Telegram patameters.
   * @param {String} [opts.replyMarkup] JSON-serialized InlineKeyboardMarkup or ReplyKeyboardMarkup or ReplyKeyboardRemove or ForceReply.
   * @return {Promise<Message>}
  sendPoll(chatID, question, options, opts = {}) {
    return this.request("sendPoll", toSnakeCaseObject(
      {chatID, question, options},

   * @see
   * @param {(Number|String)} chatID Target Telegram chat ID.
   * @param {Object} [opts] Optional Telegram patameters.
   * @param {String} [opts.replyMarkup] JSON-serialized InlineKeyboardMarkup or ReplyKeyboardMarkup or ReplyKeyboardRemove or ForceReply.
   * @return {Promise<Message>}
  sendDice(chatID, opts = {}) {
    return this.request("sendDice", toSnakeCaseObject({chatID}, opts));

   * @see
   * @param {(Number|String)} chatID Target Telegram chat ID.
   * @param {String} action
   * @return {Promise<Message>}
  sendChatAction(chatID, action) {
    return this.request("sendChatAction", toSnakeCaseObject({chatID, action}));

   * @see
   * @param {Number} userID Target Telegram user ID.
   * @param {Object} [opts] Optional Telegram patameters.
   * @return {Promise<UserProfilePhotos>}
  getUserProfilePhotos(userID, opts = {}) {
    return this.request(
      toSnakeCaseObject({userID}, opts)

   * @see
   * @param {(Number|String)} fileID Target Telegram file ID.
   * @return {Promise<File>}
  getFile(fileID) {
    return this.request("getFile", toSnakeCaseObject({fileID}));

   * @see
   * @param {(Number|String)} chatID Target Telegram chat ID.
   * @param {Number} userID Target Telegram user ID.
   * @param {Object} [opts] Optional Telegram patameters.
   * @return {Promise<Boolean>}
  kickChatMember(chatID, userID, opts = {}) {
    return this.request(
      toSnakeCaseObject({chatID, userID}, opts)

   * @see
   * @param {(Number|String)} chatID Target Telegram chat ID.
   * @param {Number} userID Target Telegram user ID.
   * @return {Promise<Boolean>}
  unbanChatMember(chatID, userID) {
    return this.request("unbanChatMember", toSnakeCaseObject({chatID, userID}));

   * @see
   * @param {(Number|String)} chatID Target Telegram chat ID.
   * @param {Number} userID Target Telegram user ID.
   * @param {String} permissions JSON-serialized ChatPermissions.
   * @param {Object} [opts] Optional Telegram patameters.
   * @return {Promise<Boolean>}
  restrictChatMember(chatID, userID, permissions, opts = {}) {
    return this.request(
      toSnakeCaseObject({chatID, userID, permissions}, opts)

   * @see
   * @param {(Number|String)} chatID Target Telegram chat ID.
   * @param {Number} userID Target Telegram user ID.
   * @param {Object} [opts] Optional Telegram patameters.
   * @return {Promise<Boolean>}
  promoteChatMember(chatID, userID, opts = {}) {
    return this.request(
      toSnakeCaseObject({chatID, userID}, opts)

   * @see
   * @param {(Number|String)} chatID Target Telegram chat ID.
   * @param {Number} userID Target Telegram user ID.
   * @param {String} customTitle
   * @return {Promise<Boolean>}
  setChatAdministratorCustomTitle(chatID, userID, customTitle) {
    return this.request(
      toSnakeCaseObject({chatID, userID, customTitle})

   * @see
   * @param {(Number|String)} chatID Target Telegram chat ID.
   * @param {String} permissions JSON-serialized ChatPermissions.
   * @return {Promise<Boolean>}
  setChatPermissions(chatID, permissions) {
    return this.request(
      toSnakeCaseObject({chatID, permissions})

   * @see
   * @param {(Number|String)} chatID Target Telegram chat ID.
   * @return {Promise<String>}
  exportChatInviteLink(chatID) {
    return this.request("exportChatInviteLink", toSnakeCaseObject({chatID}));

   * @see
   * @param {(Number|String)} chatID Target Telegram chat ID.
   * @param {Object} photo InputFile.
   * @return {Promise<Boolean>}
  setChatPhoto(chatID, photo) {
    return this.request("setChatPhoto", toSnakeCaseFormData({chatID, photo}));

   * @see
   * @param {(Number|String)} chatID Target Telegram chat ID.
   * @return {Promise<Boolean>}
  deleteChatPhoto(chatID) {
    return this.request("deleteChatPhoto", toSnakeCaseObject({chatID}));

   * @see
   * @param {(Number|String)} chatID Target Telegram chat ID.
   * @param {String} title
   * @return {Promise<Boolean>}
  setChatTitle(chatID, title) {
    return this.request("setChatTitle", toSnakeCaseObject({chatID, title}));

   * @see
   * @param {(Number|String)} chatID Target Telegram chat ID.
   * @param {String} description
   * @return {Promise<Boolean>}
  setChatDescription(chatID, description) {
    return this.request(
      toSnakeCaseObject({chatID, description})

   * @see
   * @param {(Number|String)} chatID Target Telegram chat ID.
   * @param {(Number|String)} messageID Target Telegram message ID.
   * @param {Object} [opts] Optional Telegram patameters.
   * @return {Promise<Boolean>}
  pinChatMessage(chatID, messageID, opts = {}) {
    return this.request(
      toSnakeCaseObject({chatID, messageID}, opts)

   * @see
   * @param {(Number|String)} chatID Target Telegram chat ID.
   * @return {Promise<Boolean>}
  unpinChatMessage(chatID) {
    return this.request("unpinChatMessage", toSnakeCaseObject({chatID}));

   * @see
   * @param {(Number|String)} chatID Target Telegram chat ID.
   * @return {Promise<Boolean>}
  leaveChat(chatID) {
    return this.request("leaveChat", toSnakeCaseObject({chatID}));

   * @see
   * @param {(Number|String)} chatID Target Telegram chat ID.
   * @return {Promise<Chat>}
  getChat(chatID) {
    return this.request("getChat", toSnakeCaseObject({chatID}));

   * @see
   * @param {(Number|String)} chatID Target Telegram chat ID.
   * @return {Promise<ChatMember[]>}
  getChatAdministrators(chatID) {
    return this.request("getChatAdministrators", toSnakeCaseObject({chatID}));

   * @see
   * @param {(Number|String)} chatID Target Telegram chat ID.
   * @return {Promise<Number>}
  getChatMembersCount(chatID) {
    return this.request("getChatMembersCount", toSnakeCaseObject({chatID}));

   * @see
   * @param {(Number|String)} chatID Target Telegram chat ID.
   * @param {Number} userID Target Telegram user ID.
   * @return {Promise<ChatMember>}
  getChatMember(chatID, userID) {
    return this.request("getChatMember", toSnakeCaseObject({chatID, userID}));

   * @see
   * @param {(Number|String)} chatID Target Telegram chat ID.
   * @param {String} stickerSetName
   * @return {Promise<Boolean>}
  setChatStickerSet(chatID, stickerSetName) {
    return this.request(
      toSnakeCaseObject({chatID, stickerSetName})

   * @see
   * @param {(Number|String)} chatID Target Telegram chat ID.
   * @return {Promise<Boolean>}
  deleteChatStickerSet(chatID) {
    return this.request("deleteChatStickerSet", toSnakeCaseObject({chatID}));

   * @see
   * @param {String} callbackQueryID Target Telegram callback query ID.
   * @return {Promise<Boolean>}
  answerCallbackQuery(callbackQueryID, opts = {}) {
    return this.request(
      toSnakeCaseObject({callbackQueryID}, opts)

   * @see
   * @param {String} commands JSON-serialized Array of BotCommand.
   * @return {Promise<Boolean>}
  setMyCommands(commands) {
    return this.request("setMyCommands", toSnakeCaseObject({commands}));

   * @see
   * @return {Promise<BotCommand[]>}
  getMyCommands() {
    return this.request("getMyCommands");

   * @see
   * @param {String} text Message content.
   * @param {Object} opts Optional Telegram patameters.
   * @param {String} [opts.replyMarkup] JSON-serialized InlineKeyboardMarkup or ReplyKeyboardMarkup or ReplyKeyboardRemove or ForceReply.
   * @param {Number} [opts.chatID] Required if inlineMessageID is not given.
   * @param {Number} [opts.messageID] Required if inlineMessageID is not given.
   * @param {String} [opts.inlineMessageID] Required if chatID and inlineMessageID are not given.
   * @return {Promise<Message>}
  editMessageText(text, opts = {}) {
    const body = toSnakeCaseObject({text}, opts);
    if (!(body["inline_message_id"] != null ||
          (body["message_id"] != null && body["chat_id"] != null))) {
      throw new Error(
        "Need either `opts['inline_message_id']` or " +
        "both `opts['message_id']` and `opts['chat_id']`"
    return this.request("editMessageText", body);

   * @see
   * @param {Object} [opts] Optional Telegram patameters.
   * @param {String} [opts.replyMarkup] JSON-serialized InlineKeyboardMarkupp .
   * @param {Number} [opts.chatID] Required if inlineMessageID is not given.
   * @param {Number} [opts.messageID] Required if inlineMessageID is not given.
   * @param {String} [opts.inlineMessageID] Required if chatID and inlineMessageID are not given.
   * @return {Promise<Message>}
  editMessageCaption(opts = {}) {
    const body = toSnakeCaseObject(opts);
    if (!(body["inline_message_id"] != null ||
          (body["message_id"] != null && body["chat_id"] != null))) {
      throw new Error(
        "Need either `opts['inline_message_id']` or " +
        "both `opts['message_id']` and `opts['chat_id']`"
    return this.request("editMessageCaption", body);

   * @see
   * @param {InputMedia} media Set or InputMedia.thumb to Buffer for uploading a file.
   * @param {Object} [opts] Optional Telegram patameters.
   * @param {String} [opts.replyMarkup] JSON-serialized InlineKeyboardMarkupp.
   * @param {Number} [opts.chatID] Required if inlineMessageID is not given.
   * @param {Number} [opts.messageID] Required if inlineMessageID is not given.
   * @param {String} [opts.inlineMessageID] Required if chatID and inlineMessageID are not given.
   * @return {Promise<Message>}
  editMessageMedia(media, opts = {}) {
    let body = toSnakeCaseObject(opts);
    if (!(body["inline_message_id"] != null ||
          (body["message_id"] != null && body["chat_id"] != null))) {
      throw new Error(
        "Need either `opts['inline_message_id']` or " +
        "both `opts['message_id']` and `opts['chat_id']`"
    const input = media;
    const output = toSnakeCaseObject(input);
    let useFormData = false;
    if (isObject(input["media"])) {
      useFormData = true;
      opts["input0"] = input["media"];
      output["media"] = "attach://input0";
    if (isObject(input["thumb"])) {
      useFormData = true;
      opts["inputthumb0"] = input["thumb"];
      output["thumb"] = "attach://inputthumb0";
    if (!useFormData) {
      body = toSnakeCaseObject({"media": JSON.stringify(output)}, opts);
    } else {
      body = toSnakeCaseFormData(
        {"media": JSON.stringify(output)},
    return this.request("editMessageMedia", body);

   * @see
   * @param {Object} [opts] Optional Telegram patameters.
   * @param {String} [opts.replyMarkup] JSON-serialized InlineKeyboardMarkupp.
   * @param {Number} [opts.chatID] Required if inlineMessageID is not given.
   * @param {Number} [opts.messageID] Required if inlineMessageID is not given.
   * @param {String} [opts.inlineMessageID] Required if chatID and inlineMessageID are not given.
   * @return {Promise<Message>}
  editMessageReplyMarkup(opts = {}) {
    const body = toSnakeCaseObject(opts);
    if (!(body["inline_message_id"] != null ||
          (body["message_id"] != null && body["chat_id"] != null))) {
      throw new Error(
        "Need either `opts['inline_message_id']` or " +
        "both `opts['message_id']` and `opts['chat_id']`"
    return this.request("editMessageReplyMarkup", body);

   * @see
   * @param {(Number|String)} chatID Target Telegram chat ID.
   * @param {(Number|String)} messageID Target Telegram message ID.
   * @param {Object} [opts] Optional Telegram patameters.
   * @param {String} [opts.replyMarkup] JSON-serialized InlineKeyboardMarkupp.
   * @return {Promise<Poll>}
  stopPoll(chatID, messageID, opts = {}) {
    return this.request(
      toSnakeCaseObject({chatID, messageID}, opts)

   * @see
   * @param {(Number|String)} chatID Target Telegram chat ID.
   * @param {(Number|String)} messageID Target Telegram message ID.
   * @return {Promise<Boolean>}
  deleteMessage(chatID, messageID) {
    return this.request(
      toSnakeCaseObject({chatID, messageID})

   * @see
   * @param {(Number|String)} chatID Target Telegram chat ID.
   * @param {(String|Object)} sticker File ID, sticker URL or InputFile.
   * @param {Object} [opts] Optional Telegram patameters.
   * @param {String} [opts.replyMarkup] JSON-serialized InlineKeyboardMarkup or ReplyKeyboardMarkup or ReplyKeyboardRemove or ForceReply.
   * @return {Promise<Message>}
  sendSticker(chatID, sticker, opts = {}) {
    let body;
    if (isString(sticker)) {
      body = toSnakeCaseObject({chatID, sticker}, opts);
    } else {
      body = toSnakeCaseFormData({chatID, sticker}, opts);
    return this.request("sendSticker", body);

   * @see
   * @param {String} name
   * @return {Promise<StickerSet>}
  getStickerSet(name) {
    return this.request("getStickerSet", toSnakeCaseObject({name}));

   * @see
   * @param {Number} userID Telegram user ID of sticker file.
   * @param {Object} pngSticker Sticker InputFile.
   * @return {Promise<Message>}
  uploadStickerFile(userID, pngSticker) {
    return this.request(
      toSnakeCaseFormData({userID, pngSticker})

   * @see
   * @param {Number} userID Telegram user ID for created sticker set owner.
   * @param {String} name Short name of sticker set.
   * @param {String} title Sticker set title.
   * @param {(String|Object)} pngSticker File ID, sticker URL or InputFile.
   * @param {(String|Object)} tgsSticker InputFile.
   * @param {String} emojis One or more emoji corresponding to the sticker.
   * @param {Object} [opts] Optional Telegram patameters.
   * @param {String} [opts.maskPosition] JSON-serialized MaskPosition.
   * @return {Promise<Boolean>}
    userID, name, title, pngSticker, tgsSticker, emojis, opts = {}
  ) {
    const parameters = {userID, name, title, emojis};
    let body;
    if (tgsSticker != null) {
      parameters["tgsSticker"] = tgsSticker;
    if (pngSticker != null) {
      parameters["pngSticker"] = pngSticker;
    if (tgsSticker != null || (pngSticker != null && !isString(pngSticker))) {
      body = toSnakeCaseFormData(parameters, opts);
    } else {
      body = toSnakeCaseObject(parameters, opts);
    return this.request("createNewStickerSet", body);

   * @see
   * @param {Number} userID Telegram user ID for sticker set owner.
   * @param {String} name
   * @param {(String|Object)} pngSticker File ID, sticker URL or InputFile.
   * @param {(String|Object)} tgsSticker InputFile.
   * @param {String} emojis One or more emoji corresponding to the sticker.
   * @param {Object} [opts] Optional Telegram patameters.
   * @param {String} [opts.maskPosition] JSON-serialized MaskPosition.
   * @return {Promise<Boolean>}
  addStickerToSet(userID, name, pngSticker, tgsSticker, emojis, opts = {}) {
    const parameters = {userID, name, emojis};
    let body;
    if (tgsSticker != null) {
      parameters["tgsSticker"] = tgsSticker;
    if (pngSticker != null) {
      parameters["pngSticker"] = pngSticker;
    if (tgsSticker != null || (pngSticker != null && !isString(pngSticker))) {
      body = toSnakeCaseFormData(parameters, opts);
    } else {
      body = toSnakeCaseObject(parameters, opts);
    return this.request("addStickerToSet", body);

   * @see
   * @param {String} sticker File ID of the sticker.
   * @param {Number} position New sticker position in the set, zero-based.
   * @return {Promise<Boolean>}
  setStickerPositionInSet(sticker, position) {
    return this.request(
      toSnakeCaseObject({sticker, position})

   * @see
   * @param {String} sticker File ID of the sticker.
   * @return {Promise<Boolean>}
  deleteStickerFromSet(sticker) {
    return this.request("deleteStickerFromSet", toSnakeCaseObject({sticker}));

   * @see
   * @param {String} name Sticker set name.
   * @param {Number} userID Telegram user ID of the sticker set owner.
   * @param {(String|Object)} thumb File ID, sticker URL or InputFile.
   * @return {Promise<Boolean>}
  setStickerSetThumb(name, userID, thumb) {
    let body;
    if (!isString(thumb)) {
      body = toSnakeCaseFormData({name, userID, thumb});
    } else {
      body = toSnakeCaseObject({name, userID, thumb});
    return this.request("setStickerSetThumb", body);

   * @see
   * @param {String} inlineQueryID Target inline query ID.
   * @param {String} results JSON-serialized Array of InlineQueryResult.
   * @param {Object} [opts] Optional Telegram patameters.
   * @return {Promise<Boolean>}
  answerInlineQuery(inlineQueryID, results, opts = {}) {
    return this.request(
      toSnakeCaseObject({inlineQueryID, results}, opts)

   * @see
   * @param {(Number|String)} chatID Target Telegram chat ID.
   * @param {String} title Product name.
   * @param {String} description Product description.
   * @param {String} payload Bot-defined internal invoice payload.
   * @param {String} providerToken Payments provider token.
   * @param {String} startParameter Unique deep-linking parameter used to generate this invoice as a start parameter.
   * @param {String} currency Three-letter ISO 4217 currency code.
   * @param {String} prices Price breakdown, a list of components.
   * @param {Object} [opts] Optional Telegram patameters.
   * @param {String} [opts.replyMarkup] JSON-serialized InlineKeyboardMarkup or ReplyKeyboardMarkup or ReplyKeyboardRemove or ForceReply.
   * @return {Promise<Message>}
    chatID, title, description, payload, providerToken,
    startParameter, currency, prices, opts = {}
  ) {
    return this.request("sendInvoice", toSnakeCaseObject(

   * @see
   * @param {String} shippingQueryID Target shipping query ID.
   * @param {Boolean} ok
   * @param {Object} [opts] Optional Telegram patameters.
   * @param {String} [opts.shippingOptions] JSON-serialized Array of ShippingOption.
   * @return {Promise<Boolean>}
  answerShippingQuery(shippingQueryID, ok, opts = {}) {
    const body = toSnakeCaseObject({shippingQueryID, ok}, opts);
    if (!body["ok"] && body["error_message"] == null) {
      throw new Error("Need `opts['error_message']` when `ok` is `false`");
    return this.request("answerShippingQuery", body);

   * @see
   * @param {String} preCheckoutQueryID Target pre checkout query ID.
   * @param {Boolean} ok
   * @param {Object} [opts] Optional Telegram patameters.
   * @return {Promise<Boolean>}
  answerPreCheckoutQuery(preCheckoutQueryID, ok, opts = {}) {
    const body = toSnakeCaseObject({preCheckoutQueryID, ok}, opts);
    if (!body["ok"] && body["error_message"] == null) {
      throw new Error("Need `opts['error_message']` when `ok` is `false`");
    return this.request("answerPreCheckoutQuery", body);

   * @see
   * @param {String} userID Target Telegram user ID.
   * @param {String} errors JSON-serialized Array of PassportElementError.
   * @return {Promise<Boolean>}
  setPassportDataErrors(userID, errors) {
    return this.request(
      toSnakeCaseObject({userID, errors})

   * @see
   * @param {(Number|String)} chatID Target Telegram chat ID.
   * @param {String} gameShortName Short name of the game.
   * @param {Object} [opts] Optional Telegram patameters.
   * @param {String} [opts.replyMarkup] JSON-serialized InlineKeyboardMarkup or ReplyKeyboardMarkup or ReplyKeyboardRemove or ForceReply.
   * @return {Promise<Message>}
  sendGame(chatID, gameShortName, opts = {}) {
    return this.request("sendGame", toSnakeCaseObject(
      {chatID, gameShortName}, opts

   * @see
   * @param {Number} userID Target Telegram user ID.
   * @param {Number} score New non-negative score.
   * @param {Object} [opts] Optional Telegram patameters.
   * @param {Number} [opts.chatID] Required if inlineMessageID is not given.
   * @param {Number} [opts.messageID] Required if inlineMessageID is not given.
   * @param {String} [opts.inlineMessageID] Required if chatID and inlineMessageID are not given.
   * @return {Promise<Message|Boolean|Error>}
  setGameScore(userID, score, opts = {}) {
    const body = toSnakeCaseObject({userID, score}, opts);
    if (!(body["inline_message_id"] != null ||
          (body["message_id"] != null && body["chat_id"] != null))) {
      throw new Error(
        "Need either `opts['inline_message_id']` or " +
        "both `opts['message_id']` and `opts['chat_id']`"
    return this.request("setGameScore", body);

   * @see
   * @param {Number} userID Target Telegram user ID.
   * @param {Object} [opts] Optional Telegram patameters.
   * @param {Number} [opts.chatID] Required if inlineMessageID is not given.
   * @param {Number} [opts.messageID] Required if inlineMessageID is not given.
   * @param {String} [opts.inlineMessageID] Required if chatID and inlineMessageID are not given.
   * @return {Promise<GameHighScore[]>}
  getGameHighScores(userID, opts = {}) {
    const body = toSnakeCaseObject({userID}, opts);
    if (!(body["inline_message_id"] != null ||
          (body["message_id"] != null && body["chat_id"] != null))) {
      throw new Error(
        "Need either `opts['inline_message_id']` or " +
        "both `opts['message_id']` and `opts['chat_id']`"
    return this.request("getGameHighScores", body);

export default BotAPI;